April 1994
WHEREAS the U.S. National Security Agency has designed the Escrowed
Encryption Standard ("Clipper chip") system to facilitate government
surveillance of civilian voice and data transmissions;
WHEREAS, on February 4, 1994, the Clinton administration announced that
the U.S. government was adopting the Clipper chip system and that businesses
confidentially communicating with the government must use equipment with
Clipper chips;
WHEREAS, at the same time, the Clinton administration reaffirmed the U.S.
government's embargo on the export abroad of Clipper-free encryption devices
produced by American companies;
WHEREAS government-imposed encryption standards together with an export
embargo on devices not containing Clipper chips will inhibit commercial
development of new privacy-enhancing products;
WHEREAS by adopting the Clipper chip system for the government and for
companies doing business with the government and by re-affirming the embargo
on robust encryption devices, the Clinton administration plans to induce
American manufacturers to install government-readable encryption devices
in every telephone, facsimile machine, and computer modem made in the
United States;
WHEREAS by explicitly denying that the American people have the right to
communicate in privacy, the Clinton Administration paves the way for
mandatory installation of Clipper chips in all encryption devices used or
made in the United States;
WHEREAS government-mandated and government-induced encryption standards
will foster indiscriminate surveillance of private communications by agents
of the government; and
WHEREAS the Libertarian Party has long upheld the civil liberties of the
American Citizen and the privacy of the individual that are inherent in a
fully-developed and well-respected system of private property rights;
Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the Libertarian National Committee opposes
government policies promoting or requiring specific encryption methods for
civilian use, such as the Clipper chip plan, and favors repeal of the U.S.
ban on export abroad of Clipper-free encryption devices produced by American
Resolutions of the LNC